Gastropods: When we talk about slugs, we need to talk about snails as well. Both belong to the class gastropods, a term invented by Georges Cuvier in 1795, from the Ancient Greek γαστήρ + πούς (“stomach + foot”) and they form with mussels and octopuses the group of molluscs. All of them are basically squishy beings, thus being named molluscus (mollis, soft). The taxonomy of the family is constantly being revised. The concept of slug is very vague and it is hard to compare from one language to another.
The green group is languages that use a specific word for slug, either the Greek root leimax or the Slavic root slimak, both are derived from Proto-Indo-European slehym.
Some other languages (salmon color) do not have a word for it, but it is formed by adding naked to “snail”. It is not an obscene remark, but a mere observation: a slug is a snail without a shell.
Other groups do not share an etymological common origin but a semantic one. The yellow group is words that describe the animal as some sort of slippery substance. Spanish babosa means “drooling”, Turkish, Russian, and Lithuanian.
Beautiful map! Just 2 corrections:
1. In Ukrainian we say “Слимак”. Other variants listed sound like some dialects.
2. In south Ukrainian region of Crimea both Ukrainian and Russian languages are official.
Please, consider to remove the word “CHIOCCIOLA” among the Italian words for “slut”. As a matter of facts, a “chiocciola” is just a snail, or a slug “dressed” with a shell.
Said this, I can only congratulate you on your site: very attractive, full of very interesting etymological information and curiosities. it’s a really good job!
Yes, I was not sure about this one. Sometimes it appears like a synonym of “lumaca, limaccia”. Even if the actual meaning is “snail”
I apologize for that involuntary typo: I meant to write <>, of course. Pardon!
I apologize for the involuntary typo: I meant to write * … among the Italian words for “slug” * , of course. Pardon!
“Lumacone” in Corsican !