An alternative map of United Europe of 18 Circular states. Each circular state has a capital city radiating from the European Capital City in Vilnius, …
Circular states

maps & other fictions
An alternative map of United Europe of 18 Circular states. Each circular state has a capital city radiating from the European Capital City in Vilnius, …
Skyscraper The term “skyscraper” originates from the words sky and scrape, evoking the image of something that reaches or touches the sky. In many languages, …
Point On this map we can distinguish four etymological roots: First, there are languages with a Latin-based word. English, for instance, “point” originates from the …
The edible grains or seeds from certain types of grasses, which are rich in carbohydrates and provide essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, are …
Seeds are the reproductive unit of flowering plants. Legumes belong to the Fabaceae (or Leguminosae) family and produce seeds within pods. This group includes peas, …
What if the Czech Republic were divided into countries according to the most common surnames?
Vienna, the capital of Austria, has a rich history that is reflected in its name across various languages. In German, the city is called “Wien,” …
“L’Hexagone” is a nickname for mainland France, referring to the country’s roughly hexagonal shape on the map. This shape is defined by France’s natural borders: …
Words can travel through space, east-west, from ancient times to modern, from language to language. One of those tripping words in velvet. Before reaching Great …
A tripoint, also known as a trijunction, triple point, or tri-border area, refers to a geographical location where the borders of three different countries converge. Globally, …